Thursday, March 31, 2011

Online hair makeover videos

Online hair makeover videos

Randomly found this reposted online. I did this vid as part of an entry for WWHT 2009 Davines....okay so I was googling myself...hahah

Friday, January 21, 2011

Tips and Tricks to deal with being young and balding!

For all you guys in denial and pretend that others(especially girls) don't notice...we do.  there is a ton of things with all kinds of maintenance or cost attached to them...i'm here just to give some great pointers on what i know at least.

#1 products

nioxin does not help it's just full of chemicals and nothing really going on except for a waste of money.  Use something professional but suited to your hair type to keep your hair that you do have left healthy as well as your scalp.  my choices are:

davines energizing shampoo 24$
davines energizing stimulating tonic $68
kevin murphy staying alive leave in conditioner $25
Kevin murphy angel wash and rinse Eash $25

They all are naturally derived products that have different ingredients to help stimulate circulation and also prevent hair from our shedding stage to keep it fuller longer.

2. get on the meds!!

It's not for everyone but ask your doctor about propecia or rogaine before it's too late!  you have to continue to use it just like anything else and when you stop they do say your hair will fall out...duh!!  that's why your taking it.

3.  lasers

there are certain laser treatments that also help to stimulate actual hair growth and it is a much more affordable price now adays and it seems to work someone, but it's no miracle fix.

4.  transplants..eeks!!

this is your absolute last's a pretty crazy surgery and it doesn't look the most natural and is quite expensive...i'm not a huge fan of this...almost better off to be bald...

last but not least is the cheapest most effective(yet temporary) way to fix your problem and give you hair confidence.

I'm in love with it and it works for anyone with skinny, thinning or balding hair!

xfusion fibers

this stuff is a godsend i have gotten many people addicted so far myself not balding but i have fine hair and want more of it!  the system is broken down here:

xfusion fibers comes in 9 shades to match hair  $40
xfusion fiberhold spray to adhere fibers better  $15
xfusion spray applicator for dense and direct application $10 
xfusion hairline optimizer for natural looking hairline $5

for most of my male clients i just like dusting the fibers onto the see through spots without using the applicator or hairline optimizer and it works amazing!!  it only lasts wash to wash so you do have to reply, but it takes seconds and is cheap!  So why not spend $40 to have wicked hair confidence...just saying....

Cameron out!